<div data-gb-custom-block data-tag="schema"> {"name":"Example Section","elements": [ {"type":"text","id":"heading","label":"Heading","default":"This is an example heading" } ] }</div>
Section Schema
The schema of a section is what allows the user to input data into your theme without having to touch the code. A schema is made up of different elements to create extremely customizable pages.
A schema also gives you the ability to let the user add and remove a section from pages such as index.liquid by adding presets.
<div data-gb-custom-block data-tag="schema"> {"name":"Example Section","elements": [ {"type":"text","id":"heading","label":"Heading","default":"This is an example heading" } ],"presets": [ {"name":"Example Section","category":"Content","settings": { } } ] }</div>
Multiple presets can be added to a schema giving you the ability to allow users to add a section to a page with different settings values.
<div data-gb-custom-block data-tag="schema"> {"name":"Example Section","elements": [ {"type":"text","id":"heading","label":"Heading","default":"This is an example heading" } ],"presets": [ {"name":"Example Section 1","category":"Content","settings": {"heading":"I love sections" } }, {"name":"Example Section 2","category":"Content","settings": {"heading":"I also love sections!" } } ] }</div>
If you think of a section as a row then its columns are what kajabi calls blocks. Blocks are groupings of settings that can be added and removed from a section by the user. Blocks are added to the schema and looped over inside the section in liquid.